Hoefer Welker
Texas Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am inspired by all the amazingly talented people in our industry. Every interaction is a learning moment and through these moments they become my teacher in life- my inspiration to grow and be better than I was yesterday.
The great architect, Haewon Kim-LaBroad is a registered architect with over two decades of experience specializing in healthcare planning and design. She thrives on understanding how design can best serve communities. Combine that with her strong interest in environmental psychology inspires her to make a positive impact on those who are most vulnerable and in need of a nurturing and healing environment. Haewon is an Associate Principal at Hoefer Welker and serves as co-chair of AIA Dallas Women in Architecture.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I stumbled across the word 'architecture' at age 8. I looked it up and was intrigued by merging of art and science. I began taking related classes as early as middle school where each encounter kindled my interest further. I ultimately fell in love.
What do you do?
My focus is on creating a collaborative design experience to establish an integrated approach to the planning process. I assist in developing consensus by translating operational goals and ideas into a concrete design solution.
What excites you in the work you do?
It is exciting to see ideas transform into a built environment. In healthcare where people are at their most vulnerable state, it is exhilarating to see the positive impact architecture can have in the well-being and healing of those who occupy it.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am inspired by all the amazingly talented people in our industry. Every interaction is a learning moment and through these moments they become my teacher in life- my inspiration to grow and be better than I was yesterday.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Finally finding a balance between demanding career and motherhood by learning to be present in the moment; not giving up when things got tough. And through it all, finding me- who I am as an individual, an architect, and as a mom to two amazing boys!
Featured Project Name:
UT Southwestern Medical Center William P. Clements Jr. University Hospital, Tower III Expansion
Featured Project Location:
Dallas, Texas
Featured Project Completion Date:
January 2021
Role in Featured Project:
Lead Healthcare Planner
Featured Project Description:
Clements University Hospital is the centerpiece of acute care for the nationally acclaimed UT Southwestern Medical Center. Tower 3 addition will allow UT Southwestern to improve the quality of hospital care and services, lower the cost of care by eliminating redundancies in infrastructure and inventory, while continuing to maintain its focus on patient centric design through timeless aesthetics, access to daylight, connection to nature, and reducing environmental stressors.