SSOE Group
South Carolina Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I'm fortunate to work alongside deeply inspiring architects who motivate me towards continuous professional growth. Observing their impeccable ethics, tireless passion, and mastery of the craft compels me to match their standard of excellence.
The Great Designer, Girmay Berhie, has well-rounded expertise encompassing architectural design, master planning, research, and publication relating to sustainable practices and methodologies such as spatial configuration studies. His work spans educational spaces, health care and commercial facilities. Through his published research papers and conference presentations, Berhie has contributed to the broader discussion on incorporating principles of sustainability into architectural and urban design.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
Growing up in a small Ethiopian town, I had little exposure to architectural wonders. Upon entering college, a friend saw my natural affinity for art and suggested I would make an excellent architect. Intrigued, and felt instantly drawn to the field.
What do you do?
I conduct code reviews, author life safety plans, complete energy analysis, and develop architectural drawings encompassing floor plans, sections, elevations and construction details.
What excites you in the work you do?
Seeing that creative vision takes tangible shape through my architectural work and knowing that I am leaving a positive legacy is supremely fulfilling. Realizing the actual spaces come to life once construction is complete brings irreplaceable joy.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I'm fortunate to work alongside deeply inspiring architects who motivate me towards continuous professional growth. Observing their impeccable ethics, tireless passion, and mastery of the craft compels me to match their standard of excellence.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
I was Architect in Ethiopia but emigrating to the United States necessitated re navigating my professional licensure. The diligent personal sacrifice and persistence in Achieving long-sought license fills me with a profound sense of hard-won pride.
Featured Project Name:
Saluda County School District: Saluda Elementary School
Featured Project Location:
Saluda, South Carolina
Featured Project Completion Date:
Est. 2025
Role in Featured Project:
Project Architect
Featured Project Description:
The facility is being designed to be a “Smart Design Solution” which will meet life safety, security, energy& code requirements while being w/in the stipulated budget. The new facility will have: 7–PK, 7–K + 8 classrooms each for 1st-3rd. It will include collaborative spaces for all grade levels&is designed around a very efficient main street concept. The building is laid out very simply utilizing right angles to allow for economic construction initially + ease of long-term maintenance.