Garza/Bomberger & Associates
Texas Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Everything and everyone, I try to remain open and receptive to different sources of inspiration.
The great designer , Victoria Tamaulipas, a small City in Mexico, studied Architecture in the UANL in Monterrey where I met my husband. We moved to the US in 2007, I worked in an architectural firm in South Carolina in the healthcare division for 5 years. We moved to San Antonio Tx. in 2011 where I have worked the past 10 years in the K-12 division. I began my ARE journey on 2015 and 1 dog, 2 kids, 5 years later and in the middle of a pandemic, I finally completed the process.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I was always interested in Art but thought I would starve as an artist so I looked up a career that combined Art and Science and Architecture was the perfect balance, the joke was on me!
What do you do?
I have being fortunate to work in a small enough firm where I get to do everything from programming to CA and interact with clients and big enough firm to do exiting, interesting and challenging projects. Currently I mainly do K-12
What excites you in the work you do?
The creative process of materialize ideas into a building, and the positive impact of that idea on the end user.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Everything and everyone, I try to remain open and receptive to different sources of inspiration.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Completing the ARE's during a pandemic while working from home with two toddlers.
Featured Project Name:
Burbank High School Replacement
Featured Project Location:
1002 Edwards, San Antonio, TX 78204
Featured Project Completion Date:
July 2022
Role in Featured Project:
Designer, Senior Project Manager
Featured Project Description:
New 225,920 S.F 3 story academic building for 1500 students that will replace the existing Administration, General Learning areas, Media Center, Food service and Support spaces. Digitally preserved murals by re-known artist Vincent Valdez will be displayed in the Skywalk that will connect the new and existing buildings. Additions to the existing Auditorium include; lobby, concessions, ticket booth, Black box Theater, Supporting spaces. New practice softball and baseball fields.