Studio Shess
SAY IT LOUD - NOW Exhibitor
Puerto Rico Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
History, culture, experience and emotions are the main elements that inspires me to think, design and transform a space / product. I am seduced by The Campana Brothers approach. They instill human dignity by encouraging to search your own identity.
Fransheska Revilla
The great designer, Fransheska Revilla is a Designer with deep commitment to research, investigation and concept development. Her emphasis on spatial dynamics and materiality exploration, distinctively generates space dialogue, synergy and functionality. Her goal is to ask the right questions, to listen intently and to act effectively to find the design solutions that achieve a delightful experience, protecting public health, life safety and well-being of the users. MS Interior Design - Pratt Institute, N.Y.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
As a teenager my family made an expansion to our house without hiring a design professional. It didn’t feel right, to me every decision was so wrong. Adjacencies, blocking natural light-views...I decided to understand the why and solve the problem.
What do you do?
I have worked in a variety of design sectors in- cluding hospitality, high-end residential, science and tech, fashion retail, and higher education. Currently, I am developing-designing a sustain- able furniture collection through an upcycling initiative.
What excites you in the work you do?
As a core, when design has profound impact, prioritize human needs and put people first it satisfies my values and consciousness. The trans- formation from nothing to something excites me.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
History, culture, experience and emotions are the main elements that inspires me to think, design and transform a space / product. I am seduced by The Campana Brothers approach. They instill human dignity by encouraging to search your own identity.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
The creation of a Design Internship Program for design students at Undergraduate level in San Juan, P.R. in 2010. The opportunity to give back to the new generation, become a vehicle for devel- opment and change was a very rewarding experi- ence for me.