SAY IT LOUD - North Carolina Exhibitor
North Carolina Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I look forward to the impact that designers have on the built environment. Everything built is a snapshot of that time period’s style, technology, community identity, and struggles; it is cultural photograph that can be passed to the future.
The great architect, Felipe cadavid Originally from Medellin, Colombia, I am a licensed architect and fairly new to Raleigh-Durham. With a Bachelor of Design in Architecture and a Master of Architecture from University of Florida, I have worked in various types of projects including retail, commercial, hospitality, K-12 and higher education, federal, civic, healthcare, and sustainable design and am still very interested in all kinds of typologies.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
In primary school, architecture was described as drawing mixed with math. In college, I finally learned what an architect does. I came to enjoy this world of thinking about spaces, concepts, and construction to create designs enjoyed by communities.
What do you do?
I am currently an emerging Architect involved in various projects, including civic, healthcare, commercial, and education. I work on a range of tasks from project design to documentation to coordination.
What excites you in the work you do?
I enjoy knowing that people will experience a place that I helped create, whether a private office building, or a community-wide recreational facility. I’m excited by how people are encouraged interaction and discussion about it like a piece of art.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I look forward to the impact that designers have on the built environment. Everything built is a snapshot of that time period’s style, technology, community identity, and struggles; it is cultural photograph that can be passed to the future.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
I am most proud of becoming a licensed architect. It was a commensurate moment that marked the end of the degree process and entry into professional development.
Featured Project Name:
Boys & Girls Club of Myrtle Beach
Featured Project Location:
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Featured Project Completion Date:
June 2020
Role in Featured Project:
Featured Project Description:
The 17,000 sf facility for the Burroughs & Chapin Boys & Girls Club of the Grand Strand provides program space including classrooms, teaching kitchen, recording studio, art room, STEM lab, and gymnasium. The design features spaces created for discovery with elements of fun woven throughout the building. Linear vertical windows in a playful configuration are framed with colorful accents, while a transparent corner volume blurs the lines between indoors and outdoors.