SAY IT LOUD - Arkansas Exhibitor
Arkansas Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I’m at the stage where I’m still exploring who I am as a designer, but I will say that seeing progress and development come to communities that need it truly inspire me to be better.
The Great designer, Ernest bankd is someone with deep respect for the natural and built environment, Ernest sees architecture as the keystone of communities across the world. He believes, by having a diverse set of experiences, a collaborative spirit and a curious mind that designers can bring people together like no one else can. Born and raised in Little Rock, he grew up admiring design and wanting to serve his community. He hopes to make lasting connections that can impact and development of Little Rock in the years to come.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
Unceremoniously, I learned about the profession by simply picking up a book on architecture at the library when I was young. When I realized that the community I lived in did not reflect the splendor on those pages I decided I should do something.
What do you do?
I’m an ally of the built environment and its people. I work with the community to solve problems and explore ways to make the human experience, within buildings, personable and enriching.
What excites you in the work you do?
Being able to see a concept evolve and work with great people.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I’m at the stage where I’m still exploring who I am as a designer, but I will say that seeing progress and development come to communities that need it truly inspire me to be better.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
I don’t have on in particular, but I will say that having the opportunity to talk to younger designers that look like myself makes me feel like I’m doing my part in helping this profession grow.
Featured Project Name:
Centro Urbano para NorteAmericanos (CUNA)
Featured Project Location:
Mexico City, Mexico
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Featured Project Description:
The program is a speculative exercise but confronts a issue that is very much real and has serious implications for hundreds of thousands of people who, in some cases, have grown up, lived, attended college, paid taxes and worked in the United States nearly their entire lives. This is a place for people who, at any minute, might be forcibly detained and involuntarily transported to, Mexico, a country they know nothing about and whose language most do not understand.