UNC Charlotte
SAY IT LOUD - North Carolina Exhibitor
North Carolina Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am most inspired by architects that push boundaries and strive to make change within the field of architecture. Phil Freelon inspires me because he used his work to display a message of equality, not just in architecture but also in life.
The Great designer, Emmanuel Martin is from Goldsboro, North Carolina. Emmanuel is a fourth-year undergrad student in the School of Architecture at UNC Charlotte. With a love for modeling, Emmanuel is currently employed by the School of Architecture’s fabrication lab, which seeks to help faculty and students bring their designs to life. After graduation Emmanuel will be going to the University of Colorado at Denver to get his Master of Architecture degree.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I first became interested in architecture when I was tasked with designing and modeling my dream house in a middle school technologies class. At the time I did not know what architecture was but this assignment paved the way for where I am today.
What do you do?
I am currently a student in the School of Architecture at UNC Charlotte, finishing up my Bachelor of Architecture degree.
What excites you in the work you do?
I am excited about my because one day it will give me the opportunity to positively affect a community using design. Architecture can influence the daily lives of so many people and because of that I want my work to be able to foster community.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am most inspired by architects that push boundaries and strive to make change within the field of architecture. Phil Freelon inspires me because he used his work to display a message of equality, not just in architecture but also in life.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
As I am just getting a feel for what architecture truly is and has to offer, I am not sure if I have a proudest moment yet. I have so much to learn about the profession and cannot wait to see what I will be able to accomplish in the future.
Featured Project Name:
Ballard Locks Workshop
Featured Project Location:
Seattle, Washington
Featured Project Completion Date:
Unbuilt (Academic Project)
Role in Featured Project:
Sole Designer
Featured Project Description:
The Ballard Locks Boat Workshop is a public education facility that seeks to educate the public about the history and environmental issues of the area. The facility also serves as a boat building workshop and museum. The main purpose of this project was to teach about form and structure.
Photography Credit:
Emmanuel Martin
Featured Project Name:
Dharavi Water Wellness Center
Featured Project Location:
Mumbai, India
Featured Project Completion Date:
Unbuilt (Academic Project)
Role in Featured Project:
Sole Designer
Featured Project Description:
The Dharavi Water Wellness Center is a clinic that focuses on the treatment of water and water born illnesses. The slum of Dharavi is cut off from the city's main water supply and this forces people to tap into the water supply which sometimes cause the water to become contaminated causing various illnesses. The building is designed to collect and filter rainwater so that it can be redistributed back into the community as well as acting as a clinic that specializes in water born illnesses.
Photography Credit:
Emmanuel Martin
Featured Project Name:
Senegal Elementary School
Featured Project Location:
Marsassoum, Senegal
Featured Project Completion Date:
Unbuilt (Academic Project)
Role in Featured Project:
Team Project - Emmanuel Martin and Ryan Tillotson
Featured Project Description:
The Senegal Elementary School while a school project was also a competition entry. The project was a design proposal that focused on creating an elementary school that used simple building techniques and materials native to the area. The project focused on rainwater collection and natural ventilation through the use of bios wales for water filtration and breeze walls for ventilation.