RVK Architecture
Texas Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My biggest passion is being a mentor to young women. I have had the opportunity to learn from amazing architects and all I want to do is to pass my knowledge on to the next generation of architects.
The great architect, Elizabeth Hurd graduated cum laude from UT Arlington and is a Principal at RVK. She is a mentor to teenagers, encouraging higher education through her involvement in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Girl’s Inc., and the Girl Scouts of the Southwest Texas. Liz also serves on the Board of Directors for the AIA San Antonio Chapter, volunteers as a Team Leader in ACE Mentor Program, as wells as volunteering with NOMA as the Project Pipeline chair for the Central Texas chapter.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I wanted to be an architect since 8th grade. I had mechanical drafting classes and art classes in middle school. I progress to drafting classed high school. My high school teacher was an architect and encouraged my dreams of becoming an architect.
What do you do?
I am a Principal at RVK Architecture. I work on a variety of building types including corporate facilities, financial institutions, and religious facilities.
What excites you in the work you do?
I love what I do. Working along the side of great architects, engineers, and contractors provides the best collaboration, creativity, and team that can solve any challenge.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My biggest passion is being a mentor to young women. I have had the opportunity to learn from amazing architects and all I want to do is to pass my knowledge on to the next generation of architects.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Proudest achievement was when I became a Principal in my firm. Black women represent ONLY 0.2% of the total population of licensed architects. I started at my firm as an intern at the age of 23, became licensed, and worked my way up to Principal.
Featured Project Name:
SAISD Central Office Building and Parking Garage
Featured Project Location:
San Antonio, TX
Featured Project Completion Date:
May 2021
Role in Featured Project:
Project Architect
Featured Project Description:
The project goal was to program a building to consolidate SAISD staff who were currently housed in multiple locations. This new Central Office Building serves as a one-stop resource for the District employees and their families. A master plan was prepared to provide an adequate green space for the adjacent high school as well as the community. The exterior enhancements on the parking garage represent the water of the adjacent San Pedro Creek.