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VIA Design Architects PC
SAY IT LOUD - Virginia Exhibitor
Virginia Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
The pursuit of everything beautiful. Nature holds the key to all that has already been figured out in this arena. We just have to discover it.
The great architect, Donna M. Phaneuf, FAIA, began her architectural career at the Swiss firm Burgin + Nissen in 1983. Between the Bauhaus-inspired education at Virginia Tech’s School of Architecture, and the early work experience abroad her design inspiration was shaped. This period instilled in her a respect for well-grounded planning principles to support the pursuit of beautiful architecture. It is this strong foundation & drive to excel which inspired Ms. Phaneuf to form VIA design in 1991.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I’ve always been an architect and just didn’t necessarily know it as a young child. Growing into the intentional individual I’ve become, I thrive at shaping indoor + outdoor spaces for myself and for others! It’s incredibly fun!
What do you do?
I see the world in ways others do not and imagine what could be; then strategize ways for others to see it too. In doing so, I hunt and gather simultaneously to include and inspire as many people as possible in all my travels.
What excites you in the work you do?
The promise of our profession is SO bright and I derive daily energy from demonstrating the impact of WHAT WE DO as architects. It is a huge responsibility, a great honor and a lifelong journey.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
The pursuit of everything beautiful. Nature holds the key to all that has already been figured out in this arena. We just have to discover it.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Originating a firm with the above principles at the forefront. I built something others believe in, desire to gather around & own. After 28 years, a leadership succession & business plan is in place. I am living a dream beyond my imagination!
Featured Project Name:
Virginia Beach Parks + Recreation Administration Building
Featured Project Location:
Virginia Beach, VA
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Lead Design Principal
Featured Project Description:
Developed from start to finish with the environment and transparency in mind, nearly every inside space connects with the outside. This appropriate “parkitecture” expression stitches itself into the surrounding context to become inseparable from its site. The ever present connection with nature, natural patterns, and wood elements brings life to spaces that unify the Parks + Rec’s mission of serving the public and the environment to those whom occupy each day.
Featured Project Name:
Essex Bvilding
Featured Project Location:
319 E Plume Street, Norfolk, VA 23510
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Lead Design Principal
Featured Project Description:
The Essex, circa 1910, vacant for 10 years and endangered of demolition is now future proofed! Leading edge technology & historic rehabilitation demonstrate “best practices” to invest, design, restore, preserve, & create smarter buildings. As the owner and occupant we model efficiency and impactful re-use respectful of heritage architecture. The real innovation is the seamless insertion and marriage of modern systems with strong historic patterns and beauty!
Photography Credit:
Yuzhu Zheng
Featured Project Name: Virginia Institute of Marine Science Eastern Shore Education, Administration + Research Complex
Featured Project Location: Wachapreague, VA
Featured Project Completion Date: Ongoing
Applicants Role Featured Project: Lead Design Principal
Featured Project Description: Wachapreague, VA, a rural coastal community with access to high salinity water, is home to the Virginia Institute of Marine Science’s Seawater Lab Campus. Severe tidal and storm event flooding is the norm with a FEMA site rating of AE-8 to VE-12. This campus is Globally re-known for its impactful ecology science research. The architecture, built within the flood plain, simply responds to the nature of the rural historic town vernacular, the site’s natural forces, and the need to “Live with Water.”
Photography Credit: Dave Chance + Renderings by VIA Design Architects, PC
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