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Submitted Project while employed at LGA

SAY IT LOUD - Nevada Exhibitor

Nevada Based Designer

Who or what inspires you professionally?

To deliver projects that cause a transformation; projects that educate, stitch a culture, provide new ways of thinking and working, or cause posi- tive change. We should leave the land better than before we started.

Deborah Bergin


The Great designer, Deborah has thirty years of experience as an Architect delivering projects of varied types, sizes and complexities. What drives me is not the quantity of projects that I can accomplish, but producing work that is “On Purpose” to meet and exceed client goals. My success can be attributed to creating processes to shepherd and deliver the client’s vision. I’ve spent many years focused on transformational projects delivering exceptional visitor experience with sustainable, cultural and economic goals.

How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?

In high school, with not much thought about lifelong career goals but a passion for design, I visited the USC School of Architecture and be- came enamored by the work I saw and the physi- cal creation of great design.

What do you do?

My role as an Architect and Project Manager is to develop and guide a collaborative team that focuses on communication, delivery, quality and success. As a manager I am fully immersed to create a process that will reveal the best solu- tions.

What excites you in the work you do?

To form and guide collaborative teams toward delivering client success. I am driven by client relationships and being the best interpreter and messenger of their project goals


Who or what inspires you professionally?

To deliver projects that cause a transformation; projects that educate, stitch a culture, provide new ways of thinking and working, or cause posi- tive change. We should leave the land better than before we started.


What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?

Being a leader for projects that educate and transform. Being an early leader in sustainable design. Creating a lifelong network of client rela- tionships. Balancing my work and home life. Al- ways learning and deliberately crafting my career path.

Featured Project Name: 

Spring Mountains Visitor Gateway


Featured Project Location: 

Mt. Charleston, Nevada

Featured Project Completion Date: 


Role in Featured Project: 

Project Manager, Senior Architect for LGA


Featured Project Description:

Spring Mountain Visitor Gateway serves as both gateway and orientation for the Spring Mountains. The project goals were to educate guests in the natural and cultural history of this place toward creating stewards of the land. The project includes an interpretive Visitor Center, an Education Building, two amphitheaters, trails, and picnic grounds. The project is home to the Cold War Memorial and the 7-Stones Plaza, designed to honor the 7 Paiute Nations whose birthplace is Mt. Charleston.


Photography Credit:

John Harris, US Forest Service

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