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UNC CHARLOTTE/ Master of Architecture

SAY IT LOUD - North Carolina Exhibitor

North Carolina Based Designer

Who or what inspires you professionally?

I am inspired by my family. They have always been supportive and encouraging to try new things and new horizons. I especially learned a lot about making something from nothing while working on cars during my childhood.



The great designer, Danielle Scaccia is a Graduate Student in her final year M.Arch Program at UNC Charlotte. She has been President and Hose of Critical+MASS for the past three years, while also competing in design competitions and serving as a TA for her department. Danielle earned her B.S in Building Science from App State in 2018, and graduated from Jack Britt high school in Fayetteville, NC with honors. Prior to graduation in May 2021, Danielle is a part-time employee of Smith Slovik Design Group.


How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?

I learned about Architecture during high school after taking a drafting class. I fell in love with the ability to create something unique and refine a unique skill set that was creative and beautiful. One class and curiosity was all it took.

What do you do?

I am a graduate student in my final semester at UNC Charlotte for a Master's of Architecture. I am also a part-time worker at Smith Slovik Residential Group, going to be full time after graduation in May 2021

What excites you in the work you do?

The ability to create something from nothing, only having the creativity of the mind and tools in your hand. Even if it is only technical drawings I am learning and making something with my own hands.

Who or what inspires you professionally?

I am inspired by my family. They have always been supportive and encouraging to try new things and new horizons. I especially learned a lot about making something from nothing while working on cars during my childhood.

What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?

So far, being an honorable mention in Against the Grain design competition in Summer of 2019, and being able to participate in research studies of Architecture. I have been in a structure independent study and a visual research study on architecture.

Featured Project Name: 

D-School Learning by Doing <> Learning by Seeing


Featured Project Location: 

North Carolina


Featured Project Completion Date: 

UNBUILT (Design Competition)

Role in Featured Project: 

Project Team (Callaborators Peter Wong, Chris Jarrett, and Negar Amini


Featured Project Description:

Un-School Copenhagen design competition, held last year in Feb. of 2020, was to create a new school design around the concept of Un-School. The concept was a split interaction between learning by experience and activity, life skills, and learning by seeing, in the traditional method. The schooling techniques where separated by the ground school houses for life skills and tower for traditional school development. The project places in the Top 50 of the competition at the time of results.


Photography Credit:

Myself, Chris Jarrett, and Negar Amini

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