City of Melbourne - City Design
SAY IT LOUD - Naarm Melbourne Exhibitor
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am inspired by design practices who envisage and deliver innovative solutions to complex urban challenges, having regard to social equity and climate change including Turf Design Studio and McGregor Coxall.
Danielle is an urban designer with expertise in landscape architecture and urban planning. She has worked in both private and local government, leading projects in metropolitan and regional Victoria. She is passionate about re-envisaging the role of the public realm to create great places for people and has led award-winning public realm projects including strategic design and built outcomes. She has tutored at the University of Melbourne and in the School of Landscape Architecture at RMIT.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
Growing up on a farm in regional Victoria, I had a strong appreciation of the impacts of climate change on the landscape, economy and community. Experiencing 10 consecutive years of drought led me to study landscape architecture and urban planning.
What do you do?
Danielle is a Design Manager and Principal Strategic Designer in City Design at the City of Melbourne, a key contributor to the City of Melbourne’s Design Excellence Program, coordinator of 'The Excellent City Series' at the 2021-2022 MPavilion.
What excites you in the work you do? Who or what inspires you professionally?
Frequent and ongoing collaboration with colleagues across diverse expertise within the organisation. Facilitating strategic alignment of projects to influence and rationalise best practice outcomes that can be ultimately supported by the community.
Who or what inspires you professionally? What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
I am inspired by design practices who envisage and deliver innovative solutions to complex urban challenges, having regard to social equity and climate change including Turf Design Studio and McGregor Coxall.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Winning an AILA National Award in Urban Design for the Victoria Square, Kerang streetscape renewal project. The project drew on the principles of pedestrian oriented design in a regional context and is also located in the municipality I grew up.
Featured Project Name:
Macaulay Structure Plan
Featured Project Location:
Municipality of Melbourne
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Urban Design advisor
Featured Project Description:
The Macaulay Structure Plan 2021 sets the vision for one of Melbourne's principal urban renewal precincts as a mixed-use, mid-rise neighbourhood that will become a thriving place for people to live, work and visit. The urban renewal area spans 90 hectares within North Melbourne and Kensington. It has a distinct and eclectic history. The precinct is intersected by Moonee Ponds Creek, which will be revitalised as a major public open space corridor for recreation, active transport and ecology.