SAY IT LOUD - NOW Exhibitor
New York Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
In my opinion, Zaha Hadid was the most talented designer of her time. Yes, she got a lot of credit while she was alive, but she deserved more. I am inspired by both her avant-garde style and her vast achievements as a woman minority.
The great architect, Daniel is a Registered Architect (2017) and graduate of Harvard GSD’s Master of Architecture II program (2012). While at the GSD, he completed studios with Jeanne Gang, focusing on research based solutions to Chicago’s water mitigation challenges, and French Architect Anne Lacaton, brainstorming creative solutions to Paris’s increasing population density. Currently, Daniel is working at S9 Architecture (a former affiliate of Perkins Eastman), developing experience in all phases of design.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I first became interested in architecture during my senior year of high-school. The art teacher instructed us to choose a single subject matter as the focal point of our various creations that year. I chose Architecture and fell in love.
What do you do?
Currently my professional development is focused on increased expertise in commercial and residential design. S9 Architecture does primarily large scale work, but small scale retail and single-family residential are particular passions of mine.
What excites you in the work you do?
Architecture as a profession can comprise more periods of tedium than excitement, but my design itch is scratched most at the intersection of real-world function and beauty. The two are rarely compatible but I enjoy the challenge of making them one.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
In my opinion, Zaha Hadid was the most talented designer of her time. Yes, she got a lot of credit while she was alive, but she deserved more. I am inspired by both her avant-garde style and her vast achievements as a woman minority.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Getting my architecture license is one of the proudest achievements of my life. It was difficult and took a lot of sacrifice, but legitimized all of the investments I had made in architecture up to that point. Everyone should get their license!
Featured Project Name:
Beyond the Center-line Competition: Warping the Center-line
Featured Project Location:
New York’s Park Avenue
Featured Project Completion Date:
2018 Submission
Role in Featured Project:
Sole Designer and Entrant
Featured Project Description:
The stretch of Park avenue that reaches from Grand Central Station to 57th street is surrounded by NYC’s most iconic public landmarks, and is adjacent to some of the most heavily trafficked public spaces. Yet, the area is one of the least inspiring parts of Manhattan. In an effort to reinvigorate an underutilized district in New York City, Warping the Center-line takes the traditional Park Avenue median and lifts/ bends/warps it to create new public spaces along Park Avenue.