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Child Graddon Lewis
SAY IT LOUD - United Kingdom
United Kingdom Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am inspired by all females within architecture in general but by having two as directors within our practice, it has empowered me to never believe that I shouldn’t be within this industry or that I couldn’t be in the same position as them one day.
The great architect, Dani Reed is an architect at award-winning practice Child Graddon Lewis. Having grown up in various countries and witnessed a number of buildings stand unused, her key passion is in the re-working of existing buildings. Such retro-fit projects comprise the majority of Dani’s portfolio, ranging from projects in housing to civic. Dani is passionate about representing BAME within architecture whilst also encouraging the next generation – specifically females to pursue a career in the built environment.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I spent my early childhood in southern Africa, where I cultivated a passion for drawing, art and model making. My father – a key influence in my development – encouraged me to make my own dolls house complete with lighting circuits at the age of six.
What do you do?
Architect at award-winning, London-based practice Child Graddon Lewis, specialising in refurbishment for the existing buildings team. Additionally, I’ve founded a diversity & inclusion group within the practice and I’m a RIBA Architecture Ambassador.
What excites you in the work you do?
I am driven to continually invest myself in making places better, whether it’s by designing the refurbishment of a building for a client, encouraging better workplaces for my colleagues, or by creating a universal culture for the next generation.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am inspired by all females within architecture in general but by having two as directors within our practice, it has empowered me to never believe that I shouldn’t be within this industry or that I couldn’t be in the same position as them one day.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Alongside completing my architectural qualification in 2018, I regard the work undertaken both mentoring and inspiring young children as part of the RIBA National Schools and NLA Schools’ programmes as my proudest professional accomplishment.
Featured Project Name:
Saltholme Pools Hide
Featured Project Location:
Stockton-on-Tees, Middlesbrough, UK
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Featured Project Description:
Saltholme Pools is the retrofit of a dilapidated bird watching hide in the North-West of England, set amidst rich wetland habitat surrounded by the juxtaposition of heavy lumps of industry. Designed by Child Graddon Lewis for the RSPB wildlife charity, the project has transformed a clumsy building into a popular community asset – all despite significant budget, site and time constraints. The introduction of a second story also now allows for full panoramic views of the spectacular surroundings.
Photography Credit:
Jim Stephenson
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