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SAY IT LOUD - United Kingdom
United Kingdom Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Nature, my faith and everyday life as there is always small clues on how you can solve an issue or an issue that needs to be solved.
The great designer, Chun-Li Reid has a range of design skills and experience in the architecture and design field. She strongly believes that well-designed architecture should be accessible for everyone, no matter the individual social or economic background and is on the pursuit to help make this a reality for many. Undertaking her RIBA Part II at UEL and currently doing freelance graphic design.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
The first encounter with architecture is when I had work experience at Alford Hall during my A-Levels. Being surrounded by the architectural environment and a chance to see first hand on how an architect works.
What do you do?
Currently studying my RIBA Part II at University of East London and participating in freelance graphic design.
What excites you in the work you do?
Having the chance to provide others with the opportunity, to explore or solve any issue that could be stopping others to experience a better quality of life.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Nature, my faith and everyday life as there is always small clues on how you can solve an issue or an issue that needs to be solved.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Proudest professional achievement is graduating with my part 1 degree and studying my part 2.
Featured Project Name:
Regenerated Camden Market Project
Featured Project Location:
Camden market, London
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Architectural Assistant
Featured Project Description:
Camden market regeneration project is a concept looking to improve a specific area of Camden. Taking inspiration off the vibrant colorful culture surrounding this market it is supposed to be a place of social inclusion, for those that occupy the market space. The design creates a sense of fluidity, as the ground floor extends to the pathway, creating a space that doesn’t have a boundary but a space that is more inviting for visitors to feel free to roam and be inspired.
Photography Credit:
Chun-Li Reid
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