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Ateliers Co-Lab

SAY IT LOUD - NOW Exhibitor
Haiti Based Designer

Who or what inspires you professionally?

My students (who are eager to learn and contribute to change) and our colleagues (practicing in Haiti is no small feat).



The great desginer , Atelier Co-Lab aims to create an environment conducive to thought, creation, and human interaction by creating a moving, sustainable architecture designed for its users, its function and its environment. Ateliers Co-Lab’s architects are involved in the architectural community through inspiring initiatives and outreach activities, such as the Aetypik platform that seeks to introduce architecture into our daily conversations through events, articles and videos.

How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?

I was always interested in space making from a young age.

What do you do?

I am an architect practicing and based in Haiti. I treat each project as an opportunity to contribute positively to the built environment. I anchor my practice in a spirit of collaboration to maximize the potential for innovation and creativity.

What excites you in the work you do?

Convincing clients and the general public that architecture matters and can change lives!

Who or what inspires you professionally?

My students (who are eager to learn and contribute to change) and our colleagues (practicing in Haiti is no small feat).


What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?

Being chose as finalist for the Centre d'Art competition amongst other more experienced architects that i admire.

Featured Project Name: 

Centre d'Art: En Avant

Featured Project Location: 

Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Featured Project Completion Date: 


Role in Featured Project: 

Principal architect

Featured Project Description:

The project creates a bridge between past and present by advocating for the conservation of the site’s architectural and natural heritage, and the creation of a resilient and inclusive contemporary architecture. The project thus echoes the values of the Center, by preserving this place of rare social diversity, and by acting as an emblem and tool for the promotion of Haitian culture.

Photography Credit:

none (unbuilt)

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