SAY IT LOUD - North Carolina Exhibitor
North Carolina Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am inspired by my peers. Seeing each of my classmates develop their skills throughout school inspires me to continue pushing myself further. I look forward to continuing to grow with my peers in the professional world.
The great designer, Christina Kavanagh is a 5th year B.Arch student in the School of Architecture at UNC Charlotte. During her summers in school, Christina was an architectural intern at Arcari + Iovino Architects in New Jersey, where she is from, and looks forward to continuing full time there after graduation. During her time in the School of Architecture Christina has been the recipient of numerous scholarships, most notably, two from the Architects League of Northern New Jersey for Architectural Delineation.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I first discovered architecture my junior year of high school during my college search. I knew that I wanted to pursue architecture when I realized the range of impact architecture has on society and the environment.
What do you do?
I am a 5th year B.Arch student in the School of Architecture at UNC Charlotte. I have previously been a peer tutor for students in the physics department during the semester and outside of school, I have worked at an architecture firm in NJ.
What excites you in the work you do?
I am excited by the dynamic field of architecture and it's collaborative nature. I look forward to working with both other professionals and community members to create a better environment for all.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am inspired by my peers. Seeing each of my classmates develop their skills throughout school inspires me to continue pushing myself further. I look forward to continuing to grow with my peers in the professional world.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
My proudest achievement thus far has been my growth through my education. I often look back at the works I created as a first year, and I am amazed at the skills I have developed since those days and the academic success I’ve had since.
Featured Project Name:
Journey to Asylum
Featured Project Location:
Rome, Italy
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Project Team: Christina Kavanagh, Briaunna Boyd, Alexus Jones
Featured Project Description:
Completed for our 4th year study abroad design studio under professor Jeff Balmer at the UNCC SoA, the site serves as an anchor to the Via dei Fori Imperiali. This design focuses on creating a journey for immigrants assimilating to Rome, traveling through four major points within the building: socializing, learning, working, and reflecting. A circular path has immigrants progress through the space, viewing some of Rome’s history as they discover their place within it on their journey to asylum.