Lionakis (but work was done at RGA|HMC)
California Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am amazed by Teachers. As I design education facilities, I am continuously inspired by teachers and the good that they do. It takes a village of people to raise good humans. Teachers play such a critical role in becoming who we are.
Christina "Chris" Boccius-Frankel, is a Senior Architect specializing in education facilities. Her recent experience includes a new gym and modernization of a historic gym at two California high schools. She has a wide range of experience which includes seismic mitigation, CTE programming and grant writing, facilities master plans, and barrier removal. She is a graduate with honors from UC Berkley and a graduate of the CASH SFLA, Cohort 7. Chris is a maker, with a passion for education.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
Middle school. My godfather, who was an Architect, gave me a book about pyramids and I was hooked. My father was an urban planner turned developer, so I was walking construction sites and taking college architecture courses in high school
What do you do?
I am a Senior Architect. I have also been a Principal. I manage a project from design through construction. I am the direct contact with the client and manage teams, internal and external, to make the design a reality
What excites you in the work you do?
Solving the problem. Working with a team to use all the components and constraints of a project and be successful. Seeing a design built. Being creative in all that I do.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am amazed by Teachers. As I design education facilities, I am continuously inspired by teachers and the good that they do. It takes a village of people to raise good humans. Teachers play such a critical role in becoming who we are.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
A modernization of a historic legacy gym. Budget was tight. Schedule was unmovable. There were so many unknown conditions that challenged the Team. The project was successful and gave the building continued longevity.
Featured Project Name:
Earl Crabbe Gym Modernization
Featured Project Location:
Auburn, California
Featured Project Completion Date:
December 2022
Role in Featured Project:
Senior Project Architect
Featured Project Description:
Modernization of an historic 85+ year old WPA style Gym. Work included adding ventilation where none existed. Water intrusion repairs, including a new exterior finish coat and full window replacement of painted over windows. Modernization of the lowest level, removing walls and connecting spaces to make an open and collaborative Kinesiology training area. Barrier removal to improve access to spaces on each level. Lighting and branding were added to identify the building's history.