McAfee3 Architecture, inc.
African American AIA Fellow
SAY IT LOUD - A'19 Exhibitor
SAY IT LOUD - NOMA 50th Exhibition
SAY IT LOUD - (wia) Texas
SAY IT LOUD - Washington DC Exhibitor
Texas Based Architect
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Being creative. By being an involved voice for the profession. By influencing and uplifting the lives of young girls and women to be architects and to appreciate and understand the significance and contributions we can make in the profession.
The great architect, Charyl McAfee-Duncan impacts society by being a committed advocate of public-art programs, by her contributions to the built environment in public spaces, and the innovation and development of successful programs that influence and uplift the lives of young girls and women architects. As a licensed architect, and President of McAfee3 Architecture, inc in Dallas, Charyl has developed a diverse design and planning portfolio. Charyl is a Fellow in the American Institute of Architects.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I was inspired by my father who is an Architect by his passion and desire to create better places. My journey throughout school, getting my license, and practicing architecture that passion for the built environment has remained.
What do you do?
I am a Licensed Architect, and I have my own architectural firm and we do mostly commercial projects.
What excites you in the work you do?
The ability to go from pencil and paper to the built product.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Being creative. By being an involved voice for the profession. By influencing and uplifting the lives of young girls and women to be architects and to appreciate and understand the significance and contributions we can make in the profession.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Cutting the ribbon at the opening of my projects, gratitude from my clients for a job well done, getting my license, and being elevated to the College of Fellows in the American Institute of Architects.
Object Five - Alternative career, volunteer work with organizations not directly connected with the built environment, or service to society
Year of Elevation:
Featured Project Name:
Samuell Grand Tennis Center
Featured Project Location:
Dallas, Texas
Featured Project Completion Date:
January 2013
Role in Featured Project:
Project Architect
Featured Project Description:
The 2251 sq.ft Pro-shop at Samuell-Grand Tennis Center is located on what was Court 14 and is the highest point on a site that slopes down 27 feet across the site, and provides the best facility control and visibility to the surrounding 18 courts. The texture and color of the building’s exterior compliments the park, and surrounding facilities. The high domed wood ceiling and the use of warm colors are accented artfully throughout. This facility is where Arthur Ashe led the US Davis Cup team to Victory over Mexico in 1965.
Photography Credit:
Charyl F. McAFee-Duncan
Featured Project Name:
Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority_Downtown Transit Center
Featured Project Location:
Oklahoma City, OK
Featured Project Completion Date:
August 2004
Role in Featured Project:
Project Architect
Featured Project Description:
Three years prior to beginning the design were spent just trying to find a site that would allow a transit center. We designed a facility that complements the unique spirit and characteristics of downtown with Public Art, and architecturally pleasing features that paid attention to the smallest detail. The Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority Downtown Transit Center accommodates 17 buses, express and trolley buses, and a kiss and ride off-street depressed lanes on 1.64 acres.
Photography Credit:
Charyl F. McAFee-Duncan