Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture
SAY IT LOUD - Nebraska Exhibitor
Nebraska Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am inspired by the union of visually pleasing design, environments that are healthy for their users and materials that are good for our world. Design is so much more than what it looks like or how it functions. It’s about the whole user experience.
The Great designer, Chandler enjoys learning about her clients’ work to create thoughtful designs that improve a space’s performance - from aesthetics and how it functions for a client’s needs to positively impacting a user’s health and wellbeing while in the space. A WELL Accredited Professional, Chandler integrates her passion for creating healthy environments with her Interior Design expertise to make informed decisions for each project. She also leads the firm’s involvement with student mentoring programs.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
It all started in 5th grade when I participated in a local student design day. We heard from architects and designers, then designed and built our own structure from recycled materials. After that I was hooked and I still enjoy creating.
What do you do?
Each day I have the opportunity to connect with people and help bring their aspirations for the built environment to reality. I am challenged to develop the best solutions, create visually appealing spaces that positively impact a user’s wellbeing.
What excites you in the work you do?
Every day, it is something different. I get to test concepts and thoughts to create something new. I am always learning – and my thirst for new knowledge, ideas, ways to do things, experiences and design allows me to do that every day.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am inspired by the union of visually pleasing design, environments that are healthy for their users and materials that are good for our world. Design is so much more than what it looks like or how it functions. It’s about the whole user experience.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
As an NCIDQ certified professional and one of only a handful of WELL certified designers in Nebraska, I am more intentional with design decisions that impact a user’s health and wellbeing. I even champion implementing well strategies at my office.
Featured Project Name:
Film Streams Dundee
Featured Project Location:
Omaha, NE
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Interior Designer
Featured Project Description:
The restoration and addition to Omaha’s last surviving single-screen neighborhood cinema included a complete gut of the building and adjacent bar, leaving only major structural elements and historically significant pieces in place. A reconfigured entry and concessions offer better accessibility. A 25-seat microcinema, small book and video store, and full-service restaurant were added to the space, while the historic 300-seat main theater was returned to its former glory.