UNC CHARLOTTE (Master of Architecture)
SAY IT LOUD - North Carolina Exhibitor
North Carolina Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I have found enormous inspiration within work of BIPOC and Women in the field, like Chris Cornelius and Jennifer Newsom. They show me that I can and will flourish in this realm and can serve my communities in ways others may only dream possible.
The great designer, Callie Watson is a graduate student at the UNC Charlotte School of Architecture. Prior to attending UNCC, she worked in a firm located in her hometown of Tallahassee, Florida for two and a half years where she was active in her local professional organizations, serving on multiple boards (AIA, AIGA) as well as leading various community service projects in conjunction with KCCI. Callie received her Bachelor of Design in Architecture from UCF in Orlando, FL, in the Spring of 2017.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I first learned about architecture in the fifth grade in a discussion with my favorite teacher from primary school. We were thinking of careers that would combine my two favorite school subjects at the time (and still to this day): art and math.
What do you do?
I am a graduate student in the School of Architecture at UNC Charlotte pursuing my Master of Architecture where I am nearly half-way through my program. This year, I have found new passion in repurposing furniture and hiking NC landscapes!
What excites you in the work you do?
I am both excited and humbled by the notion that the built environment(s) that I create can impact lives of others in both subconscious and obvious ways. It serves as an extension of human interaction that I hold so dearly.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I am inspired by architects who are willing to take risks and challenge the norm in order to make a difference through architecture.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
To date, I am very proud that I worked in a firm as the youngest female associate in the production on a first-of-its-kind project in my hometown. Learning so many things with that as my inaugural work experience feels really rewarding.
Featured Project Name:
Connections Resiliency Center
Featured Project Location:
Charlotte, NC
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Project Team Member (Brian Ferrell, Joan Dalton) in Mona Azarbayjani's Graduate Studio
Featured Project Description:
Our strategically located site serves as a “connective fabric” between the neighborhoods with sustainable design to achieve a more equitable future. The center targets middle to low-income youth in partnership with tech-companies to offer educational and mentorship programs, collaborative learning experiences, and access to resources. A woven network of pathways lead occupants through an ascending series of junction points up to the rooftop overlooking the surrounding community skyline.
Photography Credit:
Callie Watson, Brian Ferrell, Joan Dalton
Featured Project Name:
Interact Encounter
Featured Project Location:
Orlando, FL
Featured Project Completion Date:
Unbuilt (Academic Project)
Role in Featured Project:
Sole Designer
Featured Project Description:
Here, I created a module to build from for this intervention into an existing building set to otherwise be demolished in Orlando, FL. My intervention’s module is based off research I conducted on the Psychology of Self and ‘layers’ to oneself that form over time through experiences. I then altered and iterated this module to create an interactive space where these psychological, sub-conscious layers are represented in a playful reality.