Perkins Eastman, New York
SAY IT LOUD - NOW Exhibitor
New York Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
The tenacity and drive of my female colleagues, the tremendous work of architects, photographers and authors. The work of Lina Bo Bardi, Jane Jacobs, Denise Brown, Benedetta Tagliabue, Carme Pinos, Deborah Berke, Arundhati Roy, Chimamanda Adiche.
The great architect, Buvana Murali is an architect, urbanist, writer and photographer with over 15 years of experience leading design across disciplines. Her work is deeply contextual, with a sensitivity to urban experience and a hands on approach to design.Her essays on affordability are included in the book “Affordable Housing, Inclusive Cities” published by ORO Editions. She is involved with the Women’s Leadership Initiative at Perkins Eastman and provides mentor-ship to young designers within the industry.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
When selecting my major in college, I did not want to go the typical way that most Indians chose -Engineering or Medicine. I applied to Architecture school on the recommendation of a friend. It is only on the job, that I understood its impact.
What do you do?
I am a Senior Designer at Perkins Eastman New York, involved with the firm’s large-scale projects. An editor on the board of the publication MyLiveableCity, I use it as a platform to write about lively, equitable, and sustainable futures of cities
What excites you in the work you do?
Architecture is the only inescapable art. Our buildings and cities have a profound influence on our lives. I love that as architects and urbanists, we have the ability to touch other people’s lives and do not take this responsibility lightly.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
The tenacity and drive of my female colleagues, the tremendous work of architects, photographers and authors. The work of Lina Bo Bardi, Jane Jacobs, Denise Brown, Benedetta Tagliabue, Carme Pinos, Deborah Berke, Arundhati Roy, Chimamanda Adiche.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
The day I got my licensure against all odds and personal challenges. The day I visited my first built work - a university in Delhi, I recall being in the space that had till then only existed in my head and in sketches and drawings.
Featured Project Name:
Community Development Center for training and housing of at risk women
Featured Project Location:
Bihar, India
Featured Project Completion Date:
Competition Submission in 2014
Role in Featured Project:
Lead Role in the Design as well as producing the graphics and storytelling collateral’s
Featured Project Description:
The design carefully considers the project’s future goals of providing economic opportunities for women at risk of human trafficking for the NOMI Network. Our proposal seeks to integrate women into the broader community using the site as the locus for creating events and activities beyond training to become a hub for the larger context. Functional and purpose-driven yet evocative and familiar, our design integrates vernacular typologies, building technologies, with local materials and crafts.