SAY IT LOUD - NOW Exhibitor
Indiana Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Clients who really have a heart for their students/ employees/users. Colleagues who challenge me to stretch and think beyond. Exceptionally thoughtful designers such as Tod Williams/Billie Tsien, Michael Hsu, MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple, Ilse Crawford.
The great architect, Brooke funkhouser is a licensed architect and trained interior designer, Brooke leads clients and design teams on a journey of discovery on projects such as libraries, workplaces, learning environments. Her passion for people and design are evident in her empathic leadership style and high attention to detail and execution of ideas, blurring the traditional boundaries of architecture and interiors. In Brooke is a firm wide leader of interdisciplinary design strategy and acts as an Interior Design Studio Leader.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I loved drawing house plans for fun growing up. Only after switching from another major in college did I begin studying design and gained awareness that architecture shapes our experiences while being often uniquely beautiful. That’s when it clicked.
What do you do?
I get to design a variety of project types – learning environments, workplace, libraries, retreat centers, even healthcare facilities. As an interdisciplinary de- sign leader, I challenge teams to seek continuity of the interior/exterior experience.
What excites you in the work you do?
It’s the opportunities on projects to encourage the end users’ social behavior, based on a sometimes-disparate set of needs, that I’ve found are at once the most exciting, the most challenging, and most re- warding.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Clients who really have a heart for their students/ employees/users. Colleagues who challenge me to stretch and think beyond. Exceptionally thoughtful designers such as Tod Williams/Billie Tsien, Michael Hsu, MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple, Ilse Crawford.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Every completed project is an extremely proud accomplishment. Being involved from programming to placing furniture, they become part of you. Learning that the finished product has transformed an aspect of an organization is icing on the cake
Featured Project Name:
KAR Global Headquarters
Featured Project Location:
Carmel, Indiana
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Lead Interior Designer
Featured Project Description:
KAR Global commissioned a new 250,000 sq. ft. corporate headquarters for 1,600 employees. The interior and exterior reinforce the story of “One KAR,” breaking down previously siloed business. The story of connection is woven throughout, balancing the needs of the individual with that of the whole. A tool for recruiting the best talent, this building reflects the already shared sentiment that this is one of the best places to work.
Photography Credit:
Feinknopf Photography / Brad Feinknopf