Little Diversified Architectural Consulting
SAY IT LOUD - North Carolina Exhibitor
North Carolina Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I was inspired by Phil Freelon, an African-American Architect, NC State alumnus, and prominent cultural architect. I worked for the Freelon Group for three years and during that time had the privilege to work on several Freelon projects.
The great architect, Bronald Johnson a licensed Architect with a Bachelor of Architecture Degree from North Carolina State University. My 30 years of professional experience in Charlotte, NC includes work on public and private community projects, primarily in higher education. This experience ranges from academic buildings, athletic facilities, residence halls, student centers, and other campus projects.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
In high school, I was voted the Mostly Likely to Become an Artist. My older sister also attended NC State University and studied architecture, and that exposure to the profession inspired me to become an Architect.
What do you do?
I’m an Architect, Senior Project Manager and Construction Administrator. I work with the client, and lead the project team through design and documentation. And then I work directly with the contractors in execution of the project in the field.
What excites you in the work you do?
As an Architect of higher education facilities, it excites me to watch a vision and design materialize on a college campus where it can impact the next generation of professionals.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
I was inspired by Phil Freelon, an African-American Architect, NC State alumnus, and prominent cultural architect. I worked for the Freelon Group for three years and during that time had the privilege to work on several Freelon projects.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
My proudest accomplishment was graduating first in my architectural class at NC State University.
Featured Project Name:
Charlotte Country Day Natatorium and Gym
Featured Project Location:
Charlotte, NC
Featured Project Completion Date:
Summer 2022
Role in Featured Project:
Senior Construction Administrator
Featured Project Description:
Charlotte Country Day’s Natatorium and Performance Gym reinforce the strengths of the Charlotte Country Day campus experience and support a clear sense of campus organization, flow, edges, nodes, courtyards, and quads. The building design concept is focused on transparency, so that there are visual connections between the indoor venues of the natatorium and performance gym, connections to the quad and south campus athletic fields, and views into the building from the campus spaces.