UNC Charlotte / Master of Architecture
SAY IT LOUD - North Carolina Exhibitor
North Carolina Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My professors are my inspiration. Instead of providing me with solutions, they challenge my ideas and make me question why I think what I think. I’m driven to question the norms, as well as the way that our built environment changes our perspective.
The great designer, Briaunna Boyd As a native of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, is a final year graduate student at UNC Charlotte’s School of Architecture, pursuing a Masters of Architecture degree. Prior to entering into graduate school, she earned a Bachelor’s of Arts in Architecture at UNCC, with a minor in Religious Studies. She is currently a member of AIAS, as well as the National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS).
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I didn’t think about architecture until my senior year of high school. I took drafting classes since I had taken every art class there was; my teacher then encouraged me to not only apply for college, but also to apply for the architecture program.
What do you do?
Outside of completing my education, I am a part-time Wendy’s training employee. Exciting stuff, I know. I volunteer as a student ambassador for UNCC’s SoA; alongside the advising department, I help with open house events for new/prospective students.
What excites you in the work you do?
My passion is to help those that don’t have the resources to help themselves. As someone who was raised in a very under-developed area in Winston-Salem, NC, I strive to use what I’ve learned in order to go back and help other struggling communities.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
My professors are my inspiration. Instead of providing me with solutions, they challenge my ideas and make me question why I think what I think. I’m driven to question the norms, as well as the way that our built environment changes our perspective.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
My proudest accomplishment would be just being able to go to college. Without having the slightest of ideas how I would pay for it, going to college opened up many other wonderful opportunities which I would have never been able to pursue otherwise.
Featured Project Name:
Featured Project Location:
Uptown, Charlotte, NC
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Project Team: Briaunna Boyd & Lindie Fredericks
Featured Project Description:
Completed in our fall semester design studio with professor Kelly Carlson-Reddig at the UNCC SoA, the words used to describe this collaborative design are bridging and branching; it branches out to connect people from many different walks of life while bridging them back to each other, the resources they need, and the environment that serves them. The tree structure mimics the functions of natural trees, which is shown by them taking on not only a structural role, but a mechanical one as well.
Photography Credit:
Plans/Sections/Elevations: Briaunna Boyd ; Diagrams: Lindie Fredericks; Perspectives: Both
Featured Project Name:
Journey To Asylum
Featured Project Location:
Rome, Italy
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Project Team: Christina Kavanagh, Briaunna Boyd, Alexus Jones
Featured Project Description:
Completed for our 4th year study abroad design studio under professor Jeff Balmer at the UNCC SoA, the site serves as an anchor to the Via dei Fori Imperiali. This design focuses on creating a journey for immigrants assimilating to Rome, traveling through four major points within the building: socializing, learning, working, and reflecting. A circular path has immigrants progress through the space, viewing some of Rome’s history as they discover their place within it on their journey to asylum.