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SAY IT LOUD - Georgia

Georgia Based Designer

Who or what inspires you professionally?

I am most inspired by architects that are doing work that is pushing the boundaries within the profession and producing work that has a strong focus on community. For example, one firm that I am most inspired by at the moment is Studio Gang.



The great designer, Originally from Yaounde, Cameroon; Bangseh moved to the states with his family when he was six years old and has been in Atlanta since then. He is currently getting his Master’s degree from Georgia Tech. He is working towards becoming an Architect so he can make an impact on the communities that he is from. He wants to work on projects that put the community first by providing excellent design to those communities and helping connect people to each other and their environments.

How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?

In middle and high school I took part in Science Olympiad, competing in the bridge and tower design competitions. In my sophomore year of high school, my advisor told me to look into architecture and I knew immediately that was what I wanted to do.


What do you do?

I am currently a student at Georgia Tech, finishing up my Masters of Architecture degree. I also work part-time as a Designer at Studio H - SHAPE (Studio H Architecture Planning Environments) in Atlanta.

What excites you in the work you do?

I am most excited about the opportunity to positively affect a community through design. The projects we design influence the daily lives of so many people and I want the chance for my work to foster connection and community within and around it.

Who or what inspires you professionally?

I am most inspired by architects that are doing work that is pushing the boundaries within the profession and producing work that has a strong focus on community. For example, one firm that I am most inspired by at the moment is Studio Gang.

What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?

I am not sure if I have a proudest moment yet. I am just at the beginning of my career and have already started to learn so much about the profession, so the sky’s the limit. I personally can’t wait to see what I can achieve in the future.

Featured Project Name: 

Connect Boston


Featured Project Location: 

Boston, Massachusetts


Featured Project Completion Date: 


Role in Featured Project: 



Featured Project Description:

Connect Boston is a proposed hostel and market for South Boston. It revolves around the idea of creating an atrium space where community can be fostered between the visitors but it takes the traditional atrium scheme and intensifies it. Starting out as a singular atrium space at the market, the atrium is broken up into multiple atria that meander throughout the building. This provides the openness of the atrium and creates smaller moments where guests on each level can connect with one another.

Photography Credit:

Bangseh Akuchu

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