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Urban Design Associates
SAY IT LOUD - Pennsylvania Exhibitor
Pennsylvania Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
David Lewis, the founder of Urban Design Associates. He has an incredible story about how he came to the US and started UDA on principles of community engagement, that, while virtually unknown at the time, have become foundational in the profession.
The great architect, Ashleigh Walton serves as an architect, urban designer, and project manager of one Urban Design Associates’ design teams. She travels extensively on charrette with a mission to craft livable, traditional urban places and responsive architecture. She is an active member of the AIA Pittsburgh Chapter and NOMA PGH and sits on the executive boards of Preservation Pittsburgh and The Urban Guild. She finds joy in mentoring students who have the aspiration of becoming architects and designers.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
When I was 12, I had an event for the youth orchestra I was in in the University of Tennessee’s art and architecture building. I was sold immediately.
What do you do?
I’m a registered architect and urban designer at Urban Design Associates, where I am the project manager for one of the design teams.
What excites you in the work you do?
Whenever we can sketch, especially to explain complex concepts to a client. We travel all over the country and the world and are able to interact with so many different people, but the language of drawing speaks to everyone.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
David Lewis, the founder of Urban Design Associates. He has an incredible story about how he came to the US and started UDA on principles of community engagement, that, while virtually unknown at the time, have become foundational in the profession.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
When I became the 367th black female architect in the country, and the youngest black female architect upon licensure. I received an email from the Directory of African American Architects that said I was born the year the directory was started.
Featured Project Name:
The Greenville Strategic Downtown Master Plan
Featured Project Location:
Greenville, South Carolina, USA
Featured Project Completion Date:
July 2019
Role in Featured Project:
Project Manager
Featured Project Description:
The Greenville Strategic Downtown Master Plan is a planning effort focused on key initiatives that set the stage for the economic and physical success of downtown Greenville for the next 5 to 10 years. The process including a strong public process with community input for the next generation of downtown Greenville. The project focused on four primary investment areas with the intention of downtown evolving into a series of distinct precincts, each with its own personality and sense of place.
Photography Credit:
Urban Design Associates
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