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Child Graddon Lewis
SAY IT LOUD - United Kingdom
United Kingdom Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Succinctly, it is working to create places and developments that people love being in. I absolutely strive towards creating a new place that improves a wider area. Similarly, I am inspired by working with creative, dedicated colleagues and clients.
The great designer, Arita Morris joined Child Graddon Lewis in 2004, her expertise focussed upon housing, mixed-use development, urban planning and masterplanning. Her designs inspire empowerment and have each developed into landmark buildings within their respective communities. As Director, Arita is an inspiration to her practice and colleagues, and she is involved in several mentoring programmes through the Construction Skills Council, Social Mobility Foundation, Central St. Martin’s and the Stephen Lawrence Trust.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I was working in a shoe shop when someone left a newspaper with a list of available courses – I correctly thought Architecture sounded cool! It also took several years for me to realise it was the profession for me (almost gave up during my degree!).
What do you do?
Director at Child Graddon Lewis, an award-winning practice based in Spitalfields, East London. I’m experienced at running complex projects throughout and play lead role in our research towards the issues of planning policy – outlining best practice.
What excites you in the work you do?
Creating places that people will live in, the opportunity to design homes and feel that your work can make a tangible difference is an incredible honour. Each project is also unique, therefore it’s continually interesting and I’m always learning.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
The world inspires me but there’s also a very deep internal drive that inspires me everyday to create positivity in the world and in myself.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
It is without question while talking and listening to residents in a housing development that I designed, in which they told me just how much it improved their quality of life. I honestly couldn’t wish for a higher sense of accomplishment in my work.
Featured Project Name:
Victoria Wharf
Featured Project Location:
Borough of Westminster, London, UK
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Lead Architect
Featured Project Description:
Victoria Wharf is 22 affordable homes in the heart of London, designed by Child Graddon Lewis for Westminster City Council. The scheme is delivered on a complex, derelict site and is part of a drive to build 1,850 new affordable homes in the Borough by 2023. Drawing inspiration from the adjacent canal and traditional barge decoration, a colorful and layered approach has created a distinctive landmark building that challenges the common perception towards the design of affordable homes in the UK.
Photography Credit:
Tim Crocker
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