NC State University
SAY IT LOUD - North Carolina Exhibitor
North Carolina Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Historic buildings inspire my work because they always have a story behind them. They allow architecture to speak for themselves.
The great designer, Anusha Khansaheb is a fourth year at NC State University completing her BEDA (Bachelors of Environmental Design in Architecture) and her BA History. She will be pursuing her B. Arch next year at NC State University. Her interests in history, archaeology, and preservation shine through in her architecture portfolio. With a minor in Landscape Architecture she has a keen understanding of both the built and the natural environment. She hopes to pursue her M.S. in Historic Preservation post-grad.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
I have always had an understanding for space and affinity for design but was not sure how to make it into a career. In high school a teacher introduced me to the field of architecture.
What do you do?
I am an architecture student at NC State University.
What excites you in the work you do?
I love using architecture to display underrepresented or forgotten histories and cultures. Simple things in the built environment can bring together a community when if they see themselves reflected in the spaces around them.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Historic buildings inspire my work because they always have a story behind them. They allow architecture to speak for themselves.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
I recently found out that I received a fellowship with the American Institute of Roman Archaeology through NC State's College of Design. I am excited to see how I can apply the things I have learned in school to real projects.
Featured Project Name:
Durm Runaway Factory + Showroom
Featured Project Location:
Durham, North Carolina
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Featured Project Description:
This project is a factory + showroom for a local clothing company based in Durham called Runaway. Their clothing products are made to represent and celebrate the diverse community that has developed in Durham. This project focuses on stitching the community back together, crafting an outdoor space for the public, and weaving the iterative design process into architecture. Through kinetics the building is transformed from a retail store during the day to a fashion show runway at night.