University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
SAY IT LOUD - NOW Exhibitor
North Carolina Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Participating on the Fellows Award Jury has been truly inspirational. The excellence, breadth and range of architectural practice, design, research and service evidenced in the portfolios left me inspired and hopeful about our profession.
The great designer, Anna Wu currently serves as the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Services at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She held the position of University Architect from 2001 to February 2019 where she and her office executed master plans for the main campus and Carolina North as well as a capital program encompassing the renovation of over thirty buildings, addition of over seven million square feet of new construction, and expansion and renewal of prominent campus open spaces.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
My father was a mechanical engineer who loved architecture. Every vacation included building tours. I vividly remember touring the Guggenheim Museum together. Our shared exploration left a big impression on me and set me on the path to architecture.
What do you do?
Currently, I direct a team responsible for the planning, design, construction, engineering, maintenance and operations of the University’s academic buildings, research facilities, residence halls, grounds and landscapes.
What excites you in the work you do?
I find great purpose and joy in my role which supports the teaching, research and public service mission of the nation’s first public university through the design and ongoing stewardship of campus buildings and grounds.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Participating on the Fellows Award Jury has been truly inspirational. The excellence, breadth and range of architectural practice, design, research and service evidenced in the portfolios left me inspired and hopeful about our profession.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
Guiding the transformation of the UNC Chapel Hill campus. Working with architects, Chancellors and Trustees as well as faculty, staff and students to realize the 2001 campus master plan was an incredible opportunity with lasting impact.
Featured Project Name:
2001 and 2006 Campus Master Plan - UNC Chapel Hill
Featured Project Location:
Chapel Hill, NC
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
University Architect
Featured Project Description:
In the 2001 Master Plan, Anna led a comprehensive planning process that included utilities infrastructure planning, parking and transportation, and an environmental master plan to mitigate growth through renewal and protection of natural resources. In 2006, Anna revisited the Master Plan to integrate realized projects and confirm the capacity of the main campus – reaffirming the original guiding principles and revealing that in five years, the University had realized 50% of the described growth.