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Ann M. Dunning
SAY IT LOUD - Ohio Exhibitor
Ohio Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Robert A Little & George F Dalton, the first firm I was fortunate to work with. They showed me what it was to be a good professional, to enjoy my daily work.
The great architect, After graduating from Kent State Ann worked for Cleveland firms before establishing her own firm in 1979. In the past 41 years the firm has produced over 2500 single family homes, multi-family housing as small commercial projects in North East Ohio. Ann has participated in Cleveland AIA for 55 years, being elected as president in 1984. She has been a leader in using Autocad and Revit in drawing production. Ann has traveled in all 48 states and is a watercolor artist.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
After taking art and mechanical drawing high school classes and my the influence of my father’s interest in architecture. Classes in architecture classes combined my interest in art and engineering to a better fit for my future.
What do you do?
I am a single practitioner still working after 55 years in my own firm. I use Revit and Acad programs to produce residential and small commercial projects. I am involved in every aspect of design and construction.
What excites you in the work you do?
I love looking at an old house and knowing that I have the tools to lead a client through a process to recycle their building into a new home that will serve their needs for may years. Seeing the results of my work every day in my community.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
Robert A Little & George F Dalton, the first firm I was fortunate to work with. They showed me what it was to be a good professional, to enjoy my daily work.
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
My proudest accomplishments were to receive my degree from Kent State, obtain my license so I could be an Architect., to participate in making my community a better place to live. I am proud of my profession.
Featured Project Name:
Recycling House and Barn
Featured Project Location:
Chagrin Falls, Ohio
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Featured Project Description:
The location of the 1880’s house did not permit additions. The grandchildren of the owner wanted to recycle the house and 1920s barn. The house was renovated, 2 story kitchen and bedrooms added before the move. The house and barn were moved to the rear of the site, After the new basement was build, the house was lowered into place. A foyer stair connection and sun room were added . The result is a home that will live for many years.
Photography Credit:
Ann M Dunning, AIA
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