Perkins Eastman, New York
SAY IT LOUD - NOW Exhibitor
New York Based Designer
Who or what inspires you professionally?
The work of modern architects Le Corbusier, Oscar Neimeyer, Paul Rudolph and Indian modernist like Charles Correa and BV Doshi. I am constantly inspired by Rem Koolhaas for his rhethoric and David Chipperfield for his restrained approach
The Great designer, Amit Arya has over 12 years of experience spanning across Architecture, Urban Design and Landscape Architecture projects. His projects feature a broad range of scales and typologies including Educational, Commercial, Residential and Hospitality projects. He brings a well-researched approach to resolve complex design problems in order to achieve desired project goals. His design solutions are contextually driven ideas that balance client ambition with design aspiration.
How did you first learn about architecture and when did you decide that built environment profession was an area of interest for you?
Drawing was one subject that I loved from the age of 12. I fell in love with the discipline when I became the hand for my older friends in college who needed help with architectural drawing. Travel allows me to dream and architecture to realize them.
What do you do?
I work with Perkins Eastmans higher education studio. I am part of the Editorial board for the international magazine My Liveable City.
What excites you in the work you do?
I love the rigor and process of discovering the solution that befits the design challenges. Every problem is a unique opportunity to push the boundaries of design and constantly innovate.
Who or what inspires you professionally?
The work of modern architects Le Corbusier, Oscar Neimeyer, Paul Rudolph and Indian modernist like Charles Correa and BV Doshi. I am constantly inspired by Rem Koolhaas for his rhethoric and David Chipperfield for his restrained approach
What is your proudest professional accomplishment or achievement?
My post graduate education at Cornell University against all odds .
Featured Project Name:
National Concert Hall
Featured Project Location:
Vilnius, Lithuania
Featured Project Completion Date:
Role in Featured Project:
Design Lead in group of 5 peers constituting the competition team
Featured Project Description:
Our proposal for the new National Concert hall is a collection of moments analogous to the City of Vilnius. Rather than create a singular monolith, we fragmented individual parts of the program, giving each its own expression and weaving “streets” into this assemblage. Our aim is to design a concert hall that creates a new public space for the city and is part of a network of cultural institutions that connect Old town to the riverfront.